NewsOceans Rises Above At Pakenham

March 31, 20230

Coming off a lacklustre performance at Sale at his previous start at Sale, we made the trek out to Pakenham on Thursday night with more questions than answers about the horse, but the answers came to us very quickly after race 7 – he’s back.

He jumped with them and was steered into an excellent position off the fence in behind the speed by star jockey Damian Lane. From there it was just a matter of finding some luck as the field packed up on the bend. There was a couple of nervous moments before Damian found a needle eye gap and Oceans Above rushed through it and barged his away into the clear. He extended on the line, finding an extra gear in the soft conditions and took out the race like the good horse we’ve always thought he was.

It was a great relief to have this horse back in form, as he’s been a source of frustration over the past 12 months since his stunning debut win. We feel he’s back on track now and can get to some nice races this preparation. Some of the stable’s most loyal owners are in the horse and we can’t thank them enough.

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